Buttock Lift

Enhance and sculpt your silhouette.
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The Buttock Lift can be performed as a solo procedure or as part of the total body lift. Our skilled plastic surgeons employ innovative techniques to achieve natural-looking results, focusing on contouring and lifting to create a shapelier and more defined buttock profile. Whether you’re looking to address sagging, asymmetry, or simply enhance your curves, our personalized approach ensures a tailored solution for each individual. Discover a confident and rejuvenated you with our transformative butt lift procedure, designed to bring out the best in your natural beauty.

Meet Your Physicians

Matthew R. Swelstad, MD

Jeffrey M. Pitcher, MD

Buttock Lift FAQ's

Revitalize your buttocks with a buttock lift, targeting sagging due to aging, sun damage, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and genetics. This procedure removes excess sagging skin and fat, resulting in a smoother, more appealing contour. While it won’t increase buttock size, a traditional gluteal lift can notably improve dimpled or irregular skin surfaces. It can be done separately or as part of a comprehensive body lift.

Buttock Lift won’t: 

  • Remove excess fat or add volume to the buttock. 

To enhance volume, procedures such as fat grafting, buttock implants, or auto-augmentation (retaining some of your own tissue beneath the skin) may be employed. Liposuction is occasionally incorporated to refine overall contouring.


Is it right for me?

Buttock lifting is a highly individualized procedure, and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. 

Buttock lifting may be a good option for:

  • Those with pronounced soft tissue looseness in the gluteal area
  • Healthy individuals without medical conditions hindering healing or increasing surgery risks
  • Individuals possessing a positive outlook and realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of gluteal lift surgery
  • Nonsmokers
  • Individuals dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and fitness

Your consultation is your time to ask the doctor about the procedure you’re considering, how he thinks it will work for you and any concerns you may have.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is the simplest and safest surgery to help me achieve my goals?
  • Are other options available?
  • What results can I expect, and how long do the typical results last?
  • Where will scars be located, and how noticeable will they be?
  • Will scars fade over time, and how long will this take?

Your surgeon will:

  • Assess your overall health and any pre-existing conditions or risk factors.
  • Capture photographs for reference.
  • Examine your body and take measurements. 
  • Discuss your options. 
  • Recommend a course of treatment. 


After your consultation with the physician, you will meet with the practice manager to discuss procedure costs.

Comprehensive comprehension of every facet of your body contouring procedure is crucial. It’s normal to experience a range of emotions, from excitement about the anticipated transformation to a bit of preoperative stress. Don’t hesitate to openly discuss these feelings with your plastic surgeon.

There are several things to do prior to your procedure that will make your recovery as smooth as possible and ease your pre-procedure anxiety.

Your Pre-Op Checklist:

  • Make sure you have arranged for someone to drive you to surgery and stay with you for at least 24 hours. 
  • Consult with your surgeon and adhere to their instructions.
  • Take prescribed medications or modify current medication as directed.
  • Complete necessary lab tests within 30 days of your procedure.
  • Cease smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use.
  • Refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements to mitigate potential bleeding.

 Day of Surgery:

  • Be on time for your scheduled surgery appointment.
  • Bring a companion aged 18 or older.
  • Refrain from eating or drinking after midnight prior to your surgery.
  • Use antibacterial soap for a thorough body wash before the procedure.
  • Opt for loose, comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and remove on the day of your surgery.


Medications for comfort during arm lift surgery are administered, with options including intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, tailored to your specific needs by your doctor.

The Incision:

In one common gluteal lift technique involves an incision just below the buttocks, placed in the crease between the buttocks and upper thigh. This method removes excess skin and tissues, resulting in a more defined crease and potential smoothing of the skin on the back of the upper leg.

Another technique is when an incision is made just below the waistline, often combined with an abdominoplasty incision for comprehensive body contouring. Liposuction may be employed to enhance contouring. If deemed suitable for auto-augmentation by your surgeon, strategically preserving some tissue beneath the skin can be part of the procedure.

Closing the Incisions:

Deep sutures within underlying tissues shape and support the newly contoured areas. Closure of skin incisions may involve the use of sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips.

Recovery durations after Buttock Lift vary for each patient (days to months).

Following your buttock lift procedure, dressings or bandages will be applied to the incisions. To minimize swelling during the healing process, an elastic bandage or compression garment may be wrapped around your butt.

In some cases a temporary, thin tube may be placed to drain excess blood or fluid.

Following your surgery, you will receive guidance to wear a support garment continuously. Your surgeon will specify the duration for wearing this garment and inform you about any additional garments that may be necessary for your recovery.

You will receive detailed instructions covering:

  • Proper care post-surgery
  • Medications for healing and infection prevention
  • Specific signs to monitor at the surgical site and for overall health
  • Follow-up schedule with your plastic surgeon

Ensure you address specific queries about your individual recovery:

  • Post-surgery destination.
  • Prescribed medications.
  • Duration of dressings/bandages and removal timeline.
  • Are the stitches scheduled for removal, and if so, when is the expected timeframe? 
  • When can I safely resume normal activities and exercise? 
  • What is the recommended timing for my follow-up care appointment?

Your plastic surgeon and/or their team will provide detailed explanations of surgery-associated risks. Consent forms will be signed to ensure your full comprehension of the procedure and potential complications.

Some Risks Involved:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Bleeding
  • Fatty tissue under the skin might die (fat necrosis)
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Infection


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